The foundation of Information Technologies Law is composed of internet law, freedom of speech and privacy. Within this scope, it is possible to analyze Informatics Law in two main titles; Internet Law and Information Technologies Law.
Internet Law deals with legal issues occuring while using internet. The framework of internet use is determined by freedom of speech and rules determined as a part of security and diagnosed within the frame of law. In case of possible legal issues during internet use, the informatics law is applied.
Information Technologies Law, on the other hand, includes provisions regarding computer programs distribution and digitalized informatics provisions. Informatics law includes the protection of information during information exchanges and shopping and regulations on online shoppings.
IT Crimes
In the joint report of the European Union and the United Nations Commission, cyber crimes are examined in 6 main sections. These are;
Unauthorized Access on Computer Systems and Services
Computer Fraud
Unauthorized Use of Legally Protected Software
Illegal Publications
Posts Containing Pornography
Insulting and Cursing
The services we provide with the lawyers of our IT Law department cover the following topics:
Compliance projects for websites,
Membership agreements and end user agreements,
Privacy policies, cookie policies, terms and conditions of use,
Consulting for internet content provider and hosting provider,
Violations through the Internet,
Copyrights and advertising on social media,
Domain name disputes,
blocking access,
Compliance with laws related to e-commerce,
distance sales contracts,
Payment systems legislation and open banking,
Mergers and acquisitions,
Licensing and service projects,
consumer protection,
Protection of personal data and privacy,
computer crimes,
Software development, software maintenance and update, cloud computing service and other information technology contracts.